The Fitzgerald And Ben Hill Development Authority

The Fitzgerald and Ben Hill County Development Authority was created in 1963 by an amendment to the Georgia Constitution. The authority was created to develop, promote and expand Fitzgerald and Ben Hill County for the public good and general welfare of the community.

Governed by a five-member board, the Fitzgerald and Ben Hill County Development Authority has three seats established by the legislation and two appointed seats. The three automatic seats consist of the Mayor of Fitzgerald, the chairman of the Ben Hill County Board of Commissioners and the chairman of the board of the Fitzgerald-Ben Hill County Chamber of Commerce. The Fitzgerald City Council and the Ben Hill County Board of Commissioners each appoint one member to the board.

The Fitzgerald and Ben Hill County Development Authority has worked on 60-plus successful projects since its inception, all of which influenced positive job creation in the community totaling nearly 6,000 new jobs. During that time, the Authority has developed industrial parks, recruited industry from all over the country, and had the vision to confidently invest in potential industrial sites that are now “shovel ready”.  Today, 50 years later, the Fitzgerald and Ben Hill County Development Authority continues to work diligently each day to have a posititive impact on the economic development efforts of the community.

The Fitzgerald and Ben Hill County Development Authority is well capitalized and offers aggressive incentives to capture capital investment and job creation by new and existing employers.


Businesses choosing locations in Fitzgerald and Ben Hill County can take advantage of a number of local and state incentives for development. 

Fitzgerald and Ben Hill County and the State of Georgia offer a wide array of incentives to expanding, existing industries as well as new sites or start-up locating in our state.

Local Incentives

State Incentives