Known in many circles as The Colony City or the Blue-Gray city, our sense of Harmony, History, and Heritage is proudly displayed and have been a key factor in the recruitment and expansion of companies such as Modern Dispersions, Shaw Industries, Polar Beverages, Southern Veneer Products, and many others. A key factor to our community’s growth is our realization that community development and economic development are inseparable. In addition to the various incentives available and the proven history of Fitzgerald and Ben Hill County being one of south Georgia’s leading communities in industrial and manufacturing development much effort is placed in loving, nurturing and caring for the community. Just as in the past, we still offer all the advantages of living and working in a place where people still wave and stop to have conversations on the street and a place that allows children to take their time growing up. We are proud of our community and welcome new growth. To prepare for new growth the Fitzgerald Ben Hill Development Authority and the community have a history of investing in land, buildings, and infrastructure in preparation of landing a new industry, giving a start to a budding entrepreneur, and most importantly providing opportunity for our existing industry to grow.